The Origin of OSHA Standards: A Key to Workplace Safety in the U.S.

Nixon Signing OSH Act of 1970

The Occupational Safety and Health Administration (OSHA) is a cornerstone of workplace safety in the United States. But where do OSHA standards come from? Understanding the origin of OSHA regulations is crucial for employers and employees committed to maintaining a safe and healthy work environment.

The Birth of OSHA Safety Standards

OSHA safety standards are born out of the Occupational Safety and Health Act of 1970, a federal law enacted to ensure safe and healthy working conditions for working men and women. This Act established OSHA and empowered it to create and enforce workplace safety and health standards.

The Process of Creating OSHA Regulations

The process of creating OSHA safety regulations involves several steps. First, OSHA identifies a significant risk to workers’ health or safety that can be lessened or eliminated by a change in practices. This can come from research, studies, and data on workplace injuries and illnesses.

Next, OSHA develops a proposal for a new standard or an update to an existing one. This proposal is based on extensive research and often includes input from stakeholders such as businesses, trade associations, unions, and safety and health professionals.

The proposed rule is then published in the Federal Register, and the public is invited to comment. OSHA may also hold public hearings to gather more feedback. After considering all comments and evidence, OSHA makes any necessary changes and publishes the final rule in the Federal Register.

OSHA Standards: A Benchmark for Workplace Safety

OSHA standards serve as a benchmark for workplace safety across various industries. These rules cover a wide range of hazards, including falls, chemical exposure, electrical hazards, and more. Compliance with these standards is a key aspect of maintaining workplace safety and health.


In conclusion, OSHA standards originate from the Occupational Safety and Health Act of 1970 and are created through a careful process involving research, stakeholder input, and public commentary. These standards play a crucial role in ensuring workplace safety across the United States. Whether you’re an employer or an employee, understanding the origin and importance of OSHA standards is key to maintaining a safe and healthy workplace.

Contact Us at TSG Safety for a comprehensive analysis of how OSHA applies to your business.

Nixon Signing OSH Act of 1970